Tuesday 23 September 2008

TUBE TALK - Issue #1

Tube Talk
Today's pick of the web

EDITION #1 - Tuesday, 23rd September 2008

  • Robert Peston (BBC Business Editor) - "Peston's Picks", BBC News Online
    "The next accident"

    DJR's gist:
    Robert Peston has got to be one of the best writers out there on the web, with all his blogs featuring top-drawer one liners that beautifully summarise his point. A classic from this blog, which analyses plans to tackle the credit-default-swaps market, suggested that plans are "yet another attempt to close the stable door after a galloping herd has not only bolted, but has already crossed the state line".

  • M.J. Stephey - TIME Magazine
    Sarah Palin's E-Mail Hacked

    DJR's gist: Once again on the topic of the US elections, an article on Gawker, which is linked in this TIME article, exposes Sarah Palin's use of her personal address for emails related to her position as Governor - which is obviously against the rules. Of course, the discovery is a gross invasion of Palin's privacy, but serves to place many more question marks over the already questionable integrity of the "gun-toting hockey mum".

  • Andrew Benson - BBC Sport
    Justice evades Hamilton

    DJR's gist: The travesty of sport that is Formula One's internal politics has spawned itself one more time - presently over the 25-second penalty handed to Lewis Hamilton for his manoevre on Kimi Raikonnen at the epic Belgian Grand Prix two weeks ago. The whole escapade stunk to high heaven, and I couldn't agree more with the opening lines to this article: "No-one in Formula One will be surprised at the decision...but that does not mean it was the right one."

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